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Kenneth Cole Skeleton - Gabriel Luna - FUBAR
Gabriel Luna wears a gold Kenneth Cole Skeleton Automatic KC51020003 watch in Episode 8 of the series FUBAR (2023).
photo © Netflix
Kenneth Cole Skeleton Automatic KC51020003
photo © Kenneth Cole

Gabriel Luna wears a gold Kenneth Cole Skeleton Automatic KC51020003 watch in the Netflix series FUBAR (2023).

The Kenneth Cole watch is mostly visible in the last episode of Season 1.

The watch has a gold round case, and black, open dial. Gabriel Luna's character wears the watch on a Gold strap, but the watch normally comes on a black leather strap.

This watch is actually very hard to find, but you can try eBay and there are many different Kenneth Cole Skeleton watches on Amazon.

Or you can look for similar gold skelton watches.

In the series FUBAR, that stars Arnold Schwarzenegger (wearing an Audemars Piguet watch) Gabriel Luna plays bad guy Boro Polonia.


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